Bushfire Consultancy
Xero Fire are Level 2 Accredited Practitioners (BPAD) under the
Fire Protection Association Australia Accreditation Scheme
We specialise in providing bushfire assessments,
management plans and alternate solutions.

Bushfire: The Facts
The WA State Government has passed legislation that requires all new developments and associated buildings in designated bushfire prone areas, to be designed and assessed against a set of criteria with the intent of reducing the risk of bushfire to people and property.
All new developments are now required to be accompanied by a Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) and new buildings are to be provided with a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment.
The BMP is carried out to demonstrate that the risk of bushfire is adequately mitigated for the entire development, whilst the BAL assessment details the construction requirements for buildings in bushfire prone areas in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 3959 – Construction of Buildings in Bushfire Prone Areas, to enhance the protection of the building against possible bushfires.

‘Bushfire Assessments are designed to safeguard communities,
businesses and assets, where expert fire engineering is key.’
Real Bushfire Consultancy Services
In our experience a Fire Engineer is vital to provide bushfire services.
This is to recognise fit for purpose strategies for bushfire prone buildings and coordinate the architectural design from concept to construction, especially where a fire engineering design is applied to address Alternative Solutions.
In providing bushfire services, we will work closely with the building surveyor, architect and client to develop acceptable solutions that are fit for purpose and to ensure the building design is not compromised in any way.